With that being said, onto blogging!!!
Before we headed down to my parents, we were blessed with some rain. We desperately needed it. Ranchers around here were hurting badly as their hay fields weren't growing and winter is just around the corner. The rain we got will help hay tremendously, but we still need quite a bit to fill the ponds and stock tanks.
Kiera and Kaylee particularly enjoyed the fact that we had rain. After a couple of days of showers (and being penned up inside), they were ready to get out and play. Mom and Dad were only too happy to oblige (those of you who are parents will very much appreciate that last statement.).
The rain had left quite a few puddles in the streets of Cat Spring. I allowed the girls free reign to jump, splash and play around. This is one of the advantages of living in a small town--little traffic which makes splashing in puddles pretty safe and very fun.
During the fun, Kiera had a blow out. She had run her toes through her shoe before, but this time, the damage was permanant. Dawna and I knew that this meant a trip to Wal-Mart was in our future, but $5 shoes that last most of the summer are well worth it.
I loved seeing the girls splashing around in the puddles, but now my neck hurts ;)
Yeah, mine did too when I posted it. I rotated the video in my other software, but apparently it didn't translate. If you know how to make sure that happens when you blog it, please share.
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