Monday, June 1, 2009


It's amazing how as parents, Dawna and I tend to do many of the same things our parents did with us--no matter how goofy we thought they were when we were younger.

Last night, I worked most of the afternoon out in the garden, so I neglected to take anything out for supper. Therefore, I decided we were going to go to Dairy Queen to eat. We packed up the truck and headed to Bellville.

Well, whenever we go to DQ, the girls have to investigate everything before sitting down to eat. Kiera is especially drawn to those little machines that distribute worthless crap--I mean kids toys, jewelry, and tatoos. For some reason, someone had forgotten to check their machine and had left a bouncy ball in it. Kiera immediately seized it and began playing with it at the table.

Well, Grandpa had made things "disappear" before, and Kiera wanted me to do the same. So, after making the ball disappear several times and pulling it out of the girls' ears, Daddy decided to do something different.

After making the ball disappear, Daddy started acting like he needed to sneeze. Of course, I dropped the ball from my nose to the table as I sneezed.

Kiera and Kaylee HOWLED. They were roaring with laughter!!! It was too cool.

At this stage, it's cool. In a few years when I do the same thing with Junior, I'm sure the girls will have a different opinion, just like I did as I got older. The cute stuff that was funny became an embarassment. How things change.

But now, the embarassment for me is fun. It brings smiles. Here's hoping you have one of those smiles or laughs today as well.