Friday, August 15, 2008

Four Month Dr. Appointment

Today, Kevin, Jr. had his 4 month doctor's appointment. He's doing pretty well.

He was 23 1/2 inches long.
He weighed 10 lbs 12 oz.
His head measured 16 inches.

The trend charts showed that his weight was very below normal, but Dawna explained to the doctor how we began supplementing with formula three weeks ago because of a lack of milk production. She wasn't too concerned because Jr. continued to grow longer and he was right on target developmentally. If either of those things were lagging, Doc would have been worried.

Kevin tolerated his shots pretty well; however, he's been VERY cranky the rest of the day. He won't let us put him down because his legs hurt. Can't wait until tomorrow when he should be better.

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