Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Gals in My House

You should see what has happened in my household today.

All the gals under this roof are completely worn out, and I mean WORN out.

Grandma wore out Kiera and Kaylee, and Kiera and Kaylee wore out grandma. They played outside on the playground. Grandma chased the girls on their bicycle and tricycle respectively. They finger painted. They made cookies. They played with play-dough. They crashed. Hard.

It will be interesting to see how late they sleep in the morning. Hopefully a while. It'll let me sleep in too.

Dawna is resting very well at her parents. She misses the girls, but this is very good for her blood pressure. It also lets her rest up for the ordeal that she will be undergoing in just a little while.

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