Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Day of Rest?

I know that Sunday is a day of rest for many folks, but for those of us in the clergy department, it's a day of work, and this Sunday was no different for me. However, there was one very enjoyable twist: I got to introduce Kevin, Jr. to the congregation here at Cat Spring.

The weather didn't cooperate too well. Dawna and I brought Junior to church in the middle of a downpour. I'm sure we were a sight huddled under an umbrella with Kevin tucked safely and warmly between the two of us.

There were many oohs and aahs as folks got to see the little tyke for the first time. After walking up and down the aisle, I returned him to Dawna, and she took him back home. It'll probably be a week or two before we take the chance of taking everyone to church. The biggest deal will be finding babby sitters to help out because there is no way Dawna can handle all three by herself at this stage.

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