It is not unusual to have Kevin, Jr. wake up about 6:00 a.m. and refuse to go back to sleep unless brought into our room. When this happens, we can rest assured that within a few moments, we will be joined by the other two as well. No big deal, unless your bed it too small. We quickly discovered that even our queen sized bed was just that. Kiera even remarked one morning unprompted, "Mommy, Daddy, you need a bigger bed!" We readily agreed. The problem was we didn't think we could afford a new bedroom suite with a king sized bed.
Enter Dawna's brother. Nanaw had given Justin a bedroom suite with a king sized bed, and he wanted no part of it. It was simply too large for his one bedroom apartment. Discovering that we had need of it, he moved very quickly to ensure that we could get it. In fact, this past weekend, we spent Saturday moving it from San Antonio to Cat Spring. We had to mess with the arrangement in our bedroom, but we think it looks very good.
It just so happened that the day we moved everything to Cat Spring was also Kevin, Jr.'s seven month birthday. He's growing rapidly and eating everything in sight. There hasn't been a single thing that we've given him that he's spit back at us. He's scooting and rolling all over the place. He'd probably crawl if he had more motivation to get things. Unfortunately, he seems to have a taste for technology--like Daddy's cell phone and digital camera. We can't keep that stuff down on the floor too much because bad things could happen. Hopefully he'll find some other motivation quickly and start crawling before too long.
Dawna captured this shot of him yesterday before church:
Of course, Kaylee had to ham it up and get her picture taken too. See the leopard growl!!
Today, Kiera's recital costume came in for dance class. We had to try it on once we got home to ensure everything fit. We kept trying to get a really good picture of her smiling and being cute. Instead, we got this:
Three going on 16. Are we in trouble, or what?
1 comment:
I can only say "Hang On Tight!" No matter what. I can only tell that the ride is amazing! Each and every minute.
The sad point will be if they no longer want to crawl in bed and cuddle.
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