The kids were playing so well that we actually got a chance to do some cleaning around the house as well. In the process of cleaning, we graduated Kevin from his baby swing to his jumparoo. As you can see, the results were great.
This was quite a change from Kevin being in his swing. That wasn't very pleasant. I guess he never quite felt comfortable in the swing because after a few minutes, it was yelling and screaming city!
After the girls took their nap, the surprise arrived. Grandma and Grandpa came up for the evening and will stay until tomorrow morning. We didn't tell the girls they were coming, and I wish I had the camera to record their faces when they saw who was here!
They spent the afternoon making cookies, playing on the playground, and jumping on the trampoline. They were completely worn out, so they should sleep very well tonight.
The next few days will probably be sober ones for us. We received a phone call today that Dawna's grandmother probably has 24-48 hours to live. We do not wish to see her go; however, she will soon be rid of her pain and suffering. Cancer is such a nasty thing.
Don't want to leave everyone with the downer news, so I'll post one more clip of Kevin playing peek-a-boo. It's quite cute.
I'll try again to post--I don't know what I do wrong. Sorry to hear about Dawna's grandmother. All of you are certainly in our prayers!
The pictures are great and Kevin Jr. looks like he is loving his jumparoo!
Thanks for your prayers, Carol. After visiting Nanaw today, it could be 24 hours from now, or it could be a couple of days. She wasn't as bad as we thought, but she still won't get any better. We'll be giving you a call a little later this week to work out the details of the game this weekend.
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