Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thank God. It rained!

We have been experiencing a severe drought here in East Texas. Many of the stock tanks are well below normal. We could probably use 10-15 inches of rain to help things out. Well, yesterday, we got a start. We had approximately 2.1 inches of rain. So, what did we do? Well, I allowed the girls to go outside and celebrate by running through the mud puddles. Let me emphasize that I was the one who allowed the activity. My wife doesn't do dirty stuff. But the girls sooooo loved it.

They splashed most of the evening going from puddle to puddle getting wetter and dirtier. I sat back and smiled through the whole ordeal. I was imagining what Dawna would say when she saw the girls.

Actually, I avoided that situation all together. I had the girls immediately come into the house, take off their shoes, and go straight to the bathroom. I had the girls undressed and in the tub before Dawna could see anything. Probably a good thing too; however I still have some photographic evidence. Here's a little something for Nona:

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