The girls spent most of the morning running with Kayee's half-sister Haylee.
Kiera had a special message for everyone.
We ate lunch at the mall with everyone, and we proceeded to do some shopping in College Station. Until Houston is full up and running with power again, it behooves us to try and shop in other places. The first week after Ike hit Houston/Galveston was interesting to say the least around here.
We went shopping on Tuesday. We traveled to Sealy to the local Super Wal-Mart, and we were very fortunate to get milk and eggs. There were NO canned goods to speak of. The bread was WIPED OUT. There was absolutely NO rice on the shelves. Toilet paper and paper towels were GONE. The store looked like they hadn't received a shipment of groceries for ages.
Of course, it was Ike evacuees stocking up before trying to head home. It was virtuall impossible to buy these things in Houston because of lack of power. Hope they were able to get what they needed and when they returned, I hope they found their homes in decent to good shape.
Life will be extremely busy for us in the next month or so. As reported in the previous blog, Dawna's grandmother is definitely going down hill. She has multiple tumors in her brain, and they are giving her radiation treatments to keep swelling down, ease pain, and prevent a stroke. The docs are giving her a month. We will probably be making several trips between here and San Antonio to get in as much time as possible.
My gosh Kiera's so big. She's going to pass Dawna in a few months.
Yep. Dawna would actually be able to wear Kiera's dance shoes if the shoes were a little wider. Scary, isn't it?
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